About Reflexology
Reflexology is an ancient complementary therapy which can trace its roots back to the civilisations of ancient China and Egypt some 5000 years ago.
Reflexology works on the premise that all organs, glands and areas of the body have reflex points in the feet. Stimulating these reflexes by applying gentle pressure brings about a state of deep relaxation, stimulates the body's own healing process and helps the body return to a natural state of balance and well-being. Reflexology is a holistic, non-invasive therapy which re-balances the spiritual, mental and physical in a single treatment.
Reflexologists do not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe.
Reflexology may help people of all ages, from babies to the elderly, and can do no harm. It may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Many people use reflexology as a way of counteracting stress. Reflexology helps alleviate the effects of stress by inducing deep relaxation, thereby allowing the nervous system to function normally and free the body to seek its own homeostasis. It may also be beneficial for many common complaints such as asthma, eczema and migraine.
Melisa Goodwin
B.App.SC (Chinese Medicine)
B.C.Ap.S (Human Nutrition)
Clinical Internship (JiangSu Provincial Hospital, China)

About Me
I am passionate about reflexology and what it can offer. I was introduced to reflexology when I was having fertility issues about 14 years ago. I went to a reflexologist and found it so beneficial and relaxing that I decided to train myself. I am the mother to four boys and live in Charlbury. I have a peaceful studio in a lovely rural setting and work from home.